Back on the body bandwagon

It’s been a while since I reported in on my ongoing quest to be a lighter version of me. You might recall from this post that I have a bit of a love-love relationship with foods that are bad for me. That hasn’t changed in the last two months; indeed I think it never will.So,ContinueContinue reading “Back on the body bandwagon”

Confessions of a Shrinking Woman

So, as I’ve written about from time to time, I’m on a perpetual quest to lose weight. I’ve been doing Weight Watchers lately, which I’m finding easier to follow and stick with than previous efforts, and the online tracking component feeds my incessant need to log onto electronic devices to validate myself. I’ve been swimmingContinueContinue reading “Confessions of a Shrinking Woman”

UPDATE on the 10 meal experiment

So, on Tuesday of this past week, I decided to play a game with myself to address my rather chronic habit of getting takeout rather than preparing my own meals. You can read about the whole thing here, but the basic deal is this:  I challenged myself to NOT eat out more than once fromContinueContinue reading “UPDATE on the 10 meal experiment”

10 meal experiment

Yeah, so, my food/eating habits have sucked for the last few weeks. I’m in transition, that weird place of counting down to leaving one job without another lined up, and well, that does muck with your head a bit.  At the beginning, I had tremendous confidence and energy about the whole situation.  Now, I haveContinueContinue reading “10 meal experiment”

Lunchtime Laudable: Asking for help, and a few funnies

I woke up in a good mood this morning. This is rare, so it’s worth celebrating. I decided to work from home for a bit (mostly so I could wash enough clothes to allow me to leave the house), and actually got some stuff done. It’s a sunny green/blue springautumn day, which doesn’t hurt. My foodContinueContinue reading “Lunchtime Laudable: Asking for help, and a few funnies”