
119005740_10158366313531900_4493798868677641749_nHello there!  Thanks for visiting my blog. I’m Jodi, and I make my home near the ocean in Virginia Beach. I got here by way of New England, and NJ, and Wisconsin, and Arkansas, and Boston and well…I guess you could say I’m a wanderer, always looking for that place that feels like home.

I’m a marketing/communications professional with a passion for making things better. This is my personal blog, so you’ll find lots of posts about travel, hiking, and taking pictures. And, if you spend any time here, you’ll find I’m a little obsessed with my rescue dog, Sadie.

Everything and A Racehorse, by the way, doesn’t really mean anything.  It’s just a few words that I like the sound of.  They came together in 1997, while I was lying on my back in the stern of a boat cruising Lake Geneva in Switzerland.  A friend and I were discussing band names.  It was the 90’s…Everything and A Racehorse sounded cool.  I imagined myself singing in that band.  The band never happened, obviously, but the name endured.

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