New home, new name

Hello my beloved readers of Everything and A Racehorse! The time has come. After some number of years (I’m too lazy to count), I’ve decided to change the title of this blog and move it over to another platform. You can read about that decision here, if you’d like. I’m now writing at Square PegContinueContinue reading “New home, new name”

Just 11 days to go

I was so glad to say goodbye to January that I turned my calendar over one day early. Or actually, I thought about doing it, but ruthlessly slapped my hand away from the pushpin because by god, we don’t break those rules in this house. Not sure when we became so strict about such things,ContinueContinue reading “Just 11 days to go”

From the yoga mat to the desert

NOTE: Lest you think I live under a rock… I started writing this before we had a mob storm the Capitol. But that has nothing to do with this, so…I decided to finish it. Back in November of the year-that-shall-not-be-named, I was able to take a trip out to the desert to explore with myContinueContinue reading “From the yoga mat to the desert”

“You’re not going to do that”

Ok peeps. I have some things to say. They are all tumbling through my head and may come out disjointed, but whatever – hopefully they’ll lead to some kind of conclusion worth sharing. Oh, before I start – a tip! My nutritionist recommended journaling to help me manage all the swirling s#i% in my head,ContinueContinue reading ““You’re not going to do that””