Mother’s Day through my (niftyfifty) lens

Some of my blog readers might not know that I have a weekly photo challenge over on facebook, where 2 of my fellow amateur photographers and I challenge each other to a weekly photo posting. We have to take the photos with our 50mm lenses, which are fixed lenses that don’t allow for zoom, butContinueContinue reading “Mother’s Day through my (niftyfifty) lens”

Retracing steps

You know those management personality quizzes? Every time I take one, it tells me that I’m the kind of person who likes to “get things done”. It also tells me that this trait, while valuable in a manager/leader, may also backfire. And I can tell you from experience, it does. I have gotten into trouble, onContinueContinue reading “Retracing steps”

Tough questions: What’s your favorite color?

Seriously, you’d think this wouldn’t be hard.But I hate that question.  Like most things, it’s not black and/or white.  See what I did there?My favorite color, like most things, is situational.If it’s college football season, it’s Badger Red.  Don’t let the sea of Razorback Red I currently swim in fool ya – it’s NOT theContinueContinue reading “Tough questions: What’s your favorite color?”

Saturday Lunchtime Laudable: The Lilac version

“All in all it’s been a tough week.” For those who accuse President Obama of being elitist, I think you can agree that his statement last night is right on. This morning, I felt almost guilty for waking up with joy in my heart when I thought of heading out into the sunshine to theContinueContinue reading “Saturday Lunchtime Laudable: The Lilac version”

Little things that are awesome

I was going to write a blog post about the phrase “The Devil’s Advocate”, and I still may, but I find I’m not quite ready for a dissection of a linguistic idiom.  Instead, I feel like sharing stuff like this: These are the fleurs that arrived on my desk on Friday. See, it was myContinueContinue reading “Little things that are awesome”