Sadie’s first dog therapy visit: “But what is she doing here?”

When I first started to get to know my dog, Sadie, it was clear that she was a pretty special pooch. I’ve never met a dog with such a gentle nature, and it seemed, without fail, that she would meet humans and they would say some variation of “what a sweet dog!” I would bringContinueContinue reading “Sadie’s first dog therapy visit: “But what is she doing here?””

Little things that are awesome

I was going to write a blog post about the phrase “The Devil’s Advocate”, and I still may, but I find I’m not quite ready for a dissection of a linguistic idiom.  Instead, I feel like sharing stuff like this: These are the fleurs that arrived on my desk on Friday. See, it was myContinueContinue reading “Little things that are awesome”