The obligatory I-turned-40 post

I turned 40 two weeks ago. I was all set to write my “I turned 40 and I’m gonna be fine” blog post, and then I saw this snarky tweet from the editor of Solo-ish, the Washington Post blog that’s more ish than solo, if you know what I mean. Anyway, she fired off thisContinueContinue reading “The obligatory I-turned-40 post”

In defense of the boring birthday

Here’s the thing about grand life adventures, y’all. If you approach them with the right attitude, they are awesome. They are exhilarating and challenging and bring the world into bright, vivid focus in a way that normal life makes tough to achieve. They are also exhausting. I have hit that point in this grand adventureContinueContinue reading “In defense of the boring birthday”

Little things that are awesome

I was going to write a blog post about the phrase “The Devil’s Advocate”, and I still may, but I find I’m not quite ready for a dissection of a linguistic idiom.  Instead, I feel like sharing stuff like this: These are the fleurs that arrived on my desk on Friday. See, it was myContinueContinue reading “Little things that are awesome”